About Us
Who We Are

Welcome to AmericanKillers.org!

In 1957, South Carolina native, Gerald Mason, gunned down two El Segundo, California police officers while fleeing a rape and robbery. Forty-five years later, using advanced forensics and astute law enforcement practices, detectives from El Segundo, Los Angeles County and South Carolina’s famed, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, captured the cop killer Gerald Mason. The case is recorded as the oldest cold case, in U.S. history, to have been solved by law enforcement officers and the catalyst that began AmericanKillers.org.

In researching Mason, one discovers that there is no complete list of killers that have raped, tortured, terrorized and killed American citizens. AmericanKillers.org is dedicated to compiling the most comprehensive list of American Killers, Murder Mansions and Murder Houses ever assembled. The Killer List of American Killers will be in a constant state of update and evolution as, in the words of Bob Marley, “The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking the day off. Why should I?”

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This site is dedicated to the law enforcement officers of America that, with complete focus on public safety, bring the country’s most dangerous killers to justice. Thank You for your service!!!